Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Emerging Technologies Blog

I am not an digital immigrant, I am not a digital native, I am an inbetweener! Is that a word? I grew up with the Atari 2600, The TI-99 (Go Parsec), Nintendo, etc. We could download music on cassette tape, you just had to wait awhile for your favorite song to come on the radio, that built character. In middle school we used Print Shop, high school I took BASIC programming on IBM. In college we had Internet and email with thousands of forwards per day. Ok I am just a poser, but now I am a blogging poser. My blogs will become more addictive than Meatloaf Albums in the 70's! People will despaior in anguish awaiting my next blog. The suffering shall cast a shadow over mankind until my blog is destroyed by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom. Actually I am just completing this for a class project and hope to wield this blog as a powerful weapon to smite boredom in the classroom!