Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Podcasts and Voicethread

Today we explored more ET that holds some great promise for classroom implementation. After some group time Theresa and Seth gave a great demonstration on using voice thread in the classroom. Using this program a teacher could post video or photos and have students leave comments via voice or text. Some application ideas include having students analyze primary sources, have students reflect on pictures taken from a field trip, have students analyze works of art, etc.

The second half of the day we spent working on Podcasts. I have heard the term used a number of times, but I never really looked into it. Creating Podcasts is extremely simple using Garage Band, and makes posting them a snap as well. Using this teachers could record lesson segments, verbal quizzes, assignment expectations, etc. I also like the idea of being able to embed the podcasts on a school ning to come back to the idea of having a central hub for emerging technologies. Asynchronous educational communication that students have access to at all times – Good stuff! Brent and I also created our own Podcast dealing with Ning. You can listen to all our group podcast at Beyond2e.

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