Thursday, June 19, 2008

Video Day

Video Day
Today we took a look at video creation in education. As a teacher of technology I am very excited about Jing, which is no relation to Ning. Jing is a video creation tool that you can use to record your computer’s desktop. One constant throughout my year was the need to repeat instructions to both students and teachers. This year I plan to use Jing to help with this. Example – how to set up JMC, how to upload grades, how to insert a picture into Word and get it to move, etc. I also think it would be a good idea to have students create their own Jings for other students in upcoming tech classes.

We also have a review of iMovie. I was able to pick up a couple of tips on iMovie such as cropping clips and copying clips to keep the original clip intact – good job to Jesse on that one.

Other sites and tricks – thanks Zebra

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