Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Second Life

Second Life – Today was spent primarily looking at Second Life. I didn’t have much of an opportunity to use this before so it was nice to get a hands on tour today. I was very impressed with Second Life and had a great time going through the tour of Iowa and learning the basics of inventory, appearance, and movement. To be able to turn myself into a booty shaking Darth Vader still provides me with amusement. It was nice to have Dr. Powers in class today to show us his endevous and some of the business possibilities in this virtual world. Overall an amazing concept and holds limitless potential for education. Someday students will be able to go into a Second Life type application and have access to a virtual library, virtual 3D math lessons, virtual tour though a battle field, etc. Programs like this really make the ICN obsolete. However Second Life itself could not be used in the K-12 classroom. Age requirements and easy access to adult content make integrating this into a middle school not possible at this time.

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